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numbered files

ivan sosa

New member
Hi you all!

When a part is created in Pro-e several files of itare created. They all are named the same but each one has an extra digit being it a consecutive number. I looks like this: XXXX.prt.1, XXXX.prt.2, etc...

I supose each time you save the file during its modeling one of theese "instances" is created. My question is: What do you do with all theese files? Can they be deleeted so you leave only the latest? Is the memory they consume not worth it size wise?

Edited by: ivan sosa

noting to worry about these files,but you have to purge in system window and it space and memory consumes and purge you will get latest one


sometimes its a good idea to leave the last few revisions unless your
sure thats you have the final product. by leaving a few revisions u can
simply remove the newer ones if someone has updated your model

just a thought.

yeah purging the extra instances is the way to go. makes you feel like
you have done heaps of work when you get xxxx.prt.large_number. or
makes you think u hit the save button to often.

just remember the larges number is the newest version of that file



xx.prt.56 <-- newest.
Make sure you get the right order when you're in explorer. The files are numbered 1,2,3, ... 9,10,11, ... which makes that the "2" sorts with the 20-ties and not with the first 9 versions.

Hi guys,

Just to share another way of purging & recursive purge (include subfolders) in windows explorer :

This tutorial explains how to set up Windows Explorer so that you can right-click on a directory and Purge and/or Recursively Purge it using PTC's purge utility.

1) This is the functionality when you are finished:

2) Create 2 simple batch files and put them in c:\windows (or somewhere else).


rem *** start of batch file
echo off
rem change this path to your Pro/E <loadpoint>/bin
rem =======================================
set path=c:\ptc\proe2001\bin;%path%
rem switch to selected directory
rem =======================================
cd /d "%1"
echo About to recursively purge the following directory:
echo %1
rem purge the originally selected directory
rem =======================================
start /B purge.bat
rem now purge all subdirectories under that one
rem =======================================
for /f "delims=[" %%a in ('dir /s /b /ad') do (
cd /d "%%a"
echo %%a
start /B purge.bat
rem *** end of batch file


set path=c:\ptc\proe2001\bin;%path%
cd /d "%1"
start /B purge.bat

3) Next, open up the "FILE TYPES" menu under VIEW / OPTIONS in any Explorer window. Then scroll down and locate the type "Folder". Highlight this type and select "Advanced.":

4) Now we want to add actions for purging, so select "New..." in this dialog box:

5)For the action name, type in Recursive Purge, or whatever you want to call it. For the application, you will enter the full path to the first batch file that you created earlier.

6) Do this again for the regular (non-recursive) purge option

7) Hit the "OK" button, and you should be set.


Great tip!!!! There! Thanx very much.

I have a small question about this wonderful method: while running the batch files, the command window opened. and thenafter execute all the command linethere, the command window isstill be there. Is there any way to automatically close them?

And I aslo wonder howmust Ido to edit or delete these functions in "edit file type" dialog box? It seems that Windows do not let youremove them. I'm using Win XP Pro.

Thank in advance
Edited by: ndk

Good question, I'm still searching for an answer....

Hopefully there are other expert in OS could lend us a hand...
The way I have found to remove these functions is to go through Regedit (Start -> Run -> regedit).

Scroll down to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell.

Right-click on Purge & delete.

Then you can modify the function by adding it again.
Yes, the user friendly Windoz opperating systems requires a regedit to delete, then start again from scratch.
Thank youfor all. Now, Ihave an excellent toolto deal with my Pro/e old version files. It helps me to clean up the hard disk within minimum of time and effort.


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