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Nx Java Open Api, Interactive Application

Hi Everyone,
it is my first post so: I am Rob! Java software engineer, or more generally a developer!
I tried to look for a presentation page but without success :(

Let's go to the reason for which i am writing:

I have been asked to develop a Java tool which can run in NX Unigraphix, and i am trying to understand if it can be done as the client requires. I saw NX Java Open API offers a full list of interfaces and classes that seems pretty useful despite its poor documentation and examples. I have been able to create an example jar which can be run via File -> Execute which just display a listening window and show on it some Database data.By the way i still have a doubt: is it possible to give control to the user, let him doing some stuff, and then get the control back to the application?

e.g. application flow:
1) user Run the application
2) application do something then dispose a gui to the user
3) user clicks some button on it, which allow him to, let's say... create a Rectangle on a sketch
4) Control is given to the user which can create that rectangle
5) Control is given back to the application which read data of that rectangle.

Thanks in advance for any answer. Any useful link would be appreciated!!


