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Object with that name already exists?


New member
I have a simple part of which I needed to make a left hand version. I'm still new to Pro E and don't follow Pro E's logic, unlike normal windows based programs. First, let me explain what I did:

I have the original part, and before looking at the tree on the best way to proceed, I tried to "cheat" and save a copy of the part and the drawign, then just bend it backwards (sheetmetal) hoping I would not have to reproduce the drawng. I've gotten away with tricks like that in other CAD programs I have experiene with. So now theeres an object saved with the new name, with an "M" suffix at the end because the customer we are doing this for is kind of stupid. Rather than calling the parts left and right, they call the right nothing, and the left gets an "M" which stands for "Mirror Image of Right Hand Version". Yeah, that's sounds more logical to mee too...

So now I realize I can't bend the part backwards because of the way it was modeled so I need to mirror the part, but I can't, because "An object with that name already exists". I'm not in Windchill, this is all done off-line, so to speak. After scratching my head and wondering why I can't just overwrite the file, I browse for it, delete it, but I still get the error. So, where does this object exist? I've searched for it, erased all in session, just in case, then I closed and reopened Pro E. Am I now forced to give it a different file name?




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