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Oboma to cut more military/NASA budgets

My sales guy has told me that even Health care has doped off dramatically due to people putting off 'elective surgery' due to the economy.
"Engineers are supposed to be highly educated. Incorrect spelling and grammer kind of get under my skin"

you mean like someoneleaving out the "r" in "strive"?
or maybe "grammEr"?
Scott1 said:
"Engineers are supposed to be highly educated. Incorrect spelling and grammer kind of get under my skin"

you mean like someoneleaving out the "r" in "strive"?
or maybe "grammEr"?

Yeah, like that!
I went thru two years of engineering school before I figured out how to spell 'engineer'.I still can spell the day after today. tomorrow.... there! spell check got it. plus i am better with numbers.

Edited by: design-engine
Whts al ths fuss ovr spelin? I contsntly msspll thngs cse i type wth nly 2 fngrs. Bt im gttng bttr.
<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
I just picture the words differntly. And who's idea was it anyway to spell everything wrong.

island. < completed wrong.
tomorrow < should only be one R
completely < 'completly' is better... where did the extra e come from?

I wish we could submit a change request!

