I'm having a problem trying to create an offset cross-section (One Side) for a part in Wildfire 4 (I've also tried it in the student version of Wildfire 5 with the same results). I'm not sure if this is a Pro/E bug/limitation or if I'm doing something wrong. Here's what I do.
1. Open View Manager
2. Select the Xsec tab
3. Click New and then Enter to accept the default name.
4. Select Offset and One Side then Done from the Menu Manager.
5. Click on the Top plane in the Model tree to select it as the sketching plane for the cross-section profile.
6. Click OK to accept the default direction.
7. Click Default to accept the Default Sketcher view. The Sketcher opens.
8. Draw the cross-section profile in the Sketcher and click Done in the Sketcher toolbar.
I can now right-click on the new cross-section view and select Visible to see the cross-section hatched withing the part, but I can't select Set Active to activate the cross-section.
If I try the procedure above but select Two Sides instead of One Side, I can again make the cross-section visible, but I can also set is as active, although it is, of course, the section on both sides of the Top plane and not just on one side like I want.
I've included a zip file with two .prt models (Wildfire 4), one with the One Side cross-section and one with the Two Sides cross-section. Try and activate the cross-section (View Manager - Xsec tab - right-click on cross-section name - select Set Active). For me this only works for the Two Sides cross-section. I've also included a pdf showing the two parts.
Any thoughts?
1. Open View Manager
2. Select the Xsec tab
3. Click New and then Enter to accept the default name.
4. Select Offset and One Side then Done from the Menu Manager.
5. Click on the Top plane in the Model tree to select it as the sketching plane for the cross-section profile.
6. Click OK to accept the default direction.
7. Click Default to accept the Default Sketcher view. The Sketcher opens.
8. Draw the cross-section profile in the Sketcher and click Done in the Sketcher toolbar.
I can now right-click on the new cross-section view and select Visible to see the cross-section hatched withing the part, but I can't select Set Active to activate the cross-section.
If I try the procedure above but select Two Sides instead of One Side, I can again make the cross-section visible, but I can also set is as active, although it is, of course, the section on both sides of the Top plane and not just on one side like I want.
I've included a zip file with two .prt models (Wildfire 4), one with the One Side cross-section and one with the Two Sides cross-section. Try and activate the cross-section (View Manager - Xsec tab - right-click on cross-section name - select Set Active). For me this only works for the Two Sides cross-section. I've also included a pdf showing the two parts.
Any thoughts?