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Offset tool in Sketch


New member
When I am sketching, I find that I need to offset a series of lines I have drawn, but I cannot find an offset tool. The only offset tool there is only works when creating an entity by offsetting an edge, but the edge has to already be created before entering into a new sketch. I would like to be able to sketch a series of lines, then copy the same figure, offset a certain distance from each other. I think this is pretty basic, and I know the other CAD packages have this simple capability. Can this be done in Pro/E.
your thinking too much like an autocad user (I think). Let go and let the sketcher do the work for you. Learn to use the Horiz and Vert tools in sketcher.

Now if your an expert and still want to do these there is a good trick I teach more advanced students. Sketcher underlying geometry using the blue curve tool at the top right of your tool pallet. Then in a separate feature offset using your offset tool.

When more advanced people come in for training I always force them to play with sketcher with all the other students and they end up becoming advanced in a shorter time frame.
I don't understand what you mean by " let the sketcher do the work for you. Learn to use the Horiz and Vert tools in sketcher. " I know how to use the Horiz and vert tools, but that doesn't help me take something like a polyline, offset it say 2 inches, then connect the ends so I can extrude it.

If I used your advanced method, I would create the polyline in one sketch, then creating another, seperate sketch,I would use the offset tool to copy this poly line at an offset distance, but then I am left with two seperate sketches, which doesn't help me if a i want to extrude the shape.
ok... I understand better. Use the spline tool in skether in one feature and in another feature offset that polyline - autocad talk ;) Then you have two features. Use parent child relationships (offset tool in a separate sketch) more and it helps later as you modify the model... everything updates. I do that a great deal. You end up with a larger feature count but the model updates better when you change it.

"its not how fast you can model something. Its how fast you can change it 20 times" < that my quote for the year
I haven't used AutoCAD in 3 yrs, but since it will make it easier to understand, we will just replace "polyline" with "spline curve"

So, are you suggesting the following: Step1, create spline curve in sketch1. Step 2, copy spline curve from sketch1 using offset entity tool in new sketch 2. Now create a third sketch, sketch3, copying both sketch 1 and sketch2 using the "copy entity from an edge tool", then connecting the ends. Step 4, create extrusion from sketch3. The parent child relationship would look like: Sketch1>sketch2>sketch3.

Its a little different modeling philosophy than Iv'e seen people use in Soldiworks. When I teach this I am careful to explain that I'm teaching modeling approach or plan of attack. In Soldworks users might throw complexity into a sketch where I might suggest a more simple use of the sketch. This technique transfers to SW the same way... those users tend to have bad habits like fully constraining the sketch and not fully utilizing the patent child relationships as they could. (generalization of course but I have observed not utilizing parent child in Pro/E to some extent as well)

Sketcher technique is key with me

Edited by: design-engine


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