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Offsetting an edge in sketch


New member

I have massive problems when using the tool "create an entity by offsetting an edge" in sketch mode. If I for example use the option loop, and then change the dimensions of the reference surface, the part doesn't regenerate. And the most annyoing thing is that the system doesn't tell me that the references has changed. The problem doesn't end there. I sometimes can't change the offseted dimension.

These problems first showed up for us when updating to Wf3. We have tried several updates and are now running M140.

Anyone else having the same problem?
I have had issues with offsetting edges and trimming them where you cannot change the trim length without recreating the offset edge. That was back in WF2 or perhaps even 2001 and I thought was fixed in WF3. I haven't had many issues with changing the actual offset value.

Offset edges seem more finicky than plain sketched entities. Wherever possible, even if it takes 5x the steps, I'll work to standard sketcher entities. It's not always possible to avoid using or offsetting an edge, though.
I have also faced a problem when offsetting the arcs in sketcher mode of rectangle with filletd ends. The arcs arent taking the correct ratio like the line takes.
I've had similar problems to Doug, triming or worse still extending an offset edge causes me all sorts of pain. sometimes it's possible to offset a surface and reference that in the sketch instead - seems to be more stable to me.

Surfaces are always more stable than edges. Surfaces are usually the result of a single feature where edges can have several direct parents.

For example, build a cube then add one round to one vertical edge and another round feature to an adjacent vertical edge. The edge between the two rounds has 3 direct parents:

  1. <LI>the original extrude (cube)</LI>
    <LI>the first round determines one end point</LI>
    <LI>the second round determines the other end.</LI>

Pro|E has gotten better over the years at guessing at a new edge if the original is gone (say if yousuppress one round feature), but they show up as alternate refs (orange dots) in the feature dashboard. If the model changes significantly, those refs can fail, sometimes long after the original change that eliminated them.

Personally, I'd rather have Pro|E fail if the ref is gone, perhaps with alternate refs suggested. As it works now, there may be several orange dot time bombs in your model waiting to go off.

I dealt with a situation just this morning where I suppressed a draft feature and the round attached to it regenerated with alternate refs. once I deleted the suppressed draft, the round then failed completely with missing refs. What if I had sent it to the client with the suppressed draft and they had deleted it? Black eye on Doug for knucklehead modeling.

