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Open a WF 3.0 in WF 2.0??


New member
I may have prematurely upgraded to Wildfire 3.0 and my manufacturer is still using Wildfire 2.0. Is there anyway to allow for Wildfire 2.0 to open parts saved in Wildfire 3.0? Also could anyone tell when Wildfire 3.0 was release? This will help me when my boss is wondering why I've screwed up. Thanks.
I dont think you can open a WF3 part in WF2 and get the parametrics/model tree to transfer over. You can however open up a neutral file from WF3 to WF2.

WF 3.0 was released on March 17th, 2006
I like links to the knowledge base that are not accessible hehehe

there is something called the "associative topology bus"

it's meant as a way to update the files and was originally set up for 2001 to wildfire. if you turn it on you can save a neutral file in your higher version. It gives you the ability to check for and update the part with features added to the part in the higher version while in the lower version software...

rarely used feature kind of like the feature to turn 2d into 3d, use it if it works for you...requires some config options added..



