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Open sketch with cross hatch


When you do a sketch, as long as it's a closed sketch you can fill it with a cross hatching in the sketch properties. But that's too easy ;D I need a rectangular area with a cross hatch but only three borders visible. If I select the fourth border and make it construction then the sketch is no more closed and I have no cross hatching. I tried changing the color and style of the fourth edge, but it is still visible and printed like a dashed line. Is there a way or a neat trick to have a sketched area without borders?
Just delete the sketched lines after hatching.

Sorry I forgot to say that I'm doing a sketch in part modeling, not in the drawing environment. If I delete the sketched lines the sketch won't be closed anymore, so no cross hatching :(
How do you hatch in a model?
I don't see a way to do it.
If you are sketching in the model and then hatching in the drawing, you could make the sketch in the drawing instead.
How do you hatch in a model?
I don't see a way to do it.

First you do a sketch, a closed sketch. Once the feature is created you go to "edit definition", then "sketch setup". The "Properties" tab has an "Options" area where you can enable and define hatching. There's only one hatching (no cross) but you can change angle and spacing. For some reason this area is gray when you first create the sketch, you have to complete the sketch creation and then go to edit definition.

This is true for "normal" sketches, if you create a "cosmetic sketch" from the "engineering" drop down, then the hatching is available during sketch creation. But then the sketch is cosmetic only and you can't reference to it

You can change the line color to one that does not print. For the three lines that you do want to see, sketch over them in the drawing.
It's a workaround, but I think should work.
You can change the line color to one that does not print.

I tried but that doesn't work: it works on screen but when I print the document in black and white the "white" edge prints black :/ Is there a way to define a custom line font, you know like DOTFONT, SOLIDFONT etc? Maybe I can define a strange one that's almost invisible when printed
I tried but that doesn't work: it works on screen but when I print the document in black and white the "white" edge prints black :/ Is there a way to define a custom line font, you know like DOTFONT, SOLIDFONT etc? Maybe I can define a strange one that's almost invisible when printed

You would need to set this up in your pen file (table.pnt) probably to a thickness of 0 and a light color
It also might be done as you have suggested with a dotted line with large dot spacing.
I was able to create a new line font with a custom dash pattern in a drawing but I can only apply it to sketched entities in the drawing, not to sketches created at the part level. If I open the part there's no way to apply that line font to some sketched edges, and if I create a new drawing that line font is not available even for sketches. Is there a way to create a new line font that is available "everywhere" from drawings to parts?

