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ordinate dimensioning during modeling


New member
Using Pro/E 2001, I would like to be able to create a model entirely in ordinate dimensions, so that I can create a drawing and use "show dimensions" and I don't need to convert any dims from linear to ordinate.

I can create ordinate dims in sketcher (sketch>dimension>baseline to make a baseline, then dimension to it), but I still have 2 problems:

1) In my next sketch, how do I use the same baseline as the previous sketch? If I select the same plane I used to make my previous baseline, it still creates a new baseline. On the drawing, this will show up as another 0.00 dimension (on top of the other one).

2) How can I make extrusion depths show as ordinate dims? I can make the sketch in ordinate, but then the extrusion depth is still linear.

Is it possible to convert linear dims to ordinate in part mode, rather than having to do it in drawing mode?

