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OS script


New member
Hi all,

I have a mapkey to clean my directory. It was written in tab "OS Script" of dialog "mapkey" as following:
"purge & directory".

Now I want to make a mapkey, which will do 02 tasks:
1. Save all parts, assemblies... first.
2. Then, purge all old versions of all parts, assemblies...
I've tried to write as following:
purge & directory".
but it didn't run!

Pls help me to write in OS script!
Generally, how & where to find more detail about "OS script"?

Thanks in advance!
I'm using r2001 , but am pretty sure the syntax will be the same.

I also use notepad to make my edits of my config file.

a OS call will look like this, note the double slashes

mapkey xx @SYSTEMC:\\Provb\\procommand.exe;

I suggest you make your mapkeys independent, per function,allows you to include them in other ones later to join them together as one then it's;

mapkey av %wd;%vb;

mapkey av plays mapkey wd and mapkey vb

for me it's easier to keep track of this way

note there is a upper limit on the length of a mapkey, but if you chain them together, you can get around it


