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parasolid import


New member
Hello there,

Firstly, i apologise if the topic is irrelevant for this section but i haven't found anything similar.

I need to import a parasolid model (*x_t) format. When i open it i choose 'all files'.

The thing is when it opens it, the msg on the board is 'could not construct feature geometry'.

Of course there is a coordinate system and the file name appears in it but nothing more i can see no feature.

I use wildfire2 any ideas?

Thanks in advance
What version of the Parasolid binary file is it? For example, I exported a Parasolid file (version 19.1) from SolidWorks 2009 and received the same message in Pro-E WF 2.0.

First, find out what highest version of parasolid file that Pro-E WF 2.0 can import, then have the file exported as that version of the parasolid file. SolidWorks has the option to save parasolids as earlier versions. I do not know what parasolid versions that Pro-E can import.

Another option is to have the file saved as a STEP format for importing into Pro-E.

Thanks for the quick reply.

The parasolid version is 19.1, build 348 and it is exported from solidworks.I need to find out the highest version of parasolid that wf can import though

Edited by: tazmech
Try the link below from a previous post on the MCAD forum although I think information applies to WF 1.0:

Topic: Import Parasolid (*x_t) in Proe/Wildfire: [url] 191&KW=parasolid+import+version [/url]

"Direct from PTC: Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire builds 2002490 through M160 can import parasolid versions 3 through 13. Build M170 and up add support for Parasolid versions 14 and 15."

Go with the latest version of Parasolid based on the datecode if possible. My guess is that Parasolid version 16 should work for WF 2.0.

Edited by: c_thompson_68
Thanks very much Mr Thompson problem solved. The actual problem was that the guy that sent me the file hadnt saved it correctly. He basically sent me the file in .stl format so that did work for me.

Thank you

