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part doesn’t display in a section


New member
Hello there,

I have a section that goes through a parts and a washer but the washer doesn't appear in the drawing !! It seems to happen because when I look at the section in the 3D model, I can see "inside" the washer, like if it was only a hollow surface.
The washer model was downloaded from the nordlock website.

Can someone help me to fix this and have my washer being displayed ?

yes that is what I thought, but how do I get it displayed in the drawing section ? or how do I convert it to a volume model ?
The solidify function is still greyed out even if I have the washer selected !

Isn't it because the part is neutral ?
In the model tree I have a symbol I don't know which is a yellow cube on a plane and there is a red arrow above it and two red necklaces on its right. The function is called "neutral id 4"

I still haven't my wahser displayed in the section views.
Change the system colors to pre-wildfire and display your imported washer as wireframe. You should see purple and yellow lines. The purple are close and the yellow are open. You need to fill in the open gaps to enable the solidify function. There have been a number of posts on that subject.

If washer is the problem.....I would throw it in the nearest gutter, model one and assemble it.

However Peter's post is enlightening. This would be helpful for complicated parts that cannot be thrown in a gutter

Thanks Peter.
Also before solidyfying the surface you can select entire surfaceas solid geometry and copy it in a surface and then you can solidify it. This may be easiy comparable irrespective of the proe version you have.
PRStockhausen said:
Change the system colors to pre-wildfire and display your imported washer as wireframe. You should see purple and yellow lines. The purple are close and the yellow are open. You need to fill in the open gaps to enable the solidify function. There have been a number of posts on that subject.

I tried this but it doesn't seem to apply.
Please have a look

View attachment 3890
View attachment 3891

As you see, this is a special washer and I would like to use this model instead of just a symbolic simple washer.
But I cannot solidify this. Is it really a surface or a solid, I don't either ... don't know what is this "neutral" thing in the model tree.
NEUTRAL FILES ARE PROE FILES FOR USE WITH OTHER PROE SOFTWARE IRRESPECTIVE OF THE VERSION. If you know the supplier of the model, request for a proe model. Else this can be modelled with ease using variable section sweep.


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