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parts out of date at checkout


New member
I have a rather large assembly that was created by a designer with less than good Pro/e skills (of course he thinks he can do no wrong.) When I check out his assembly many of the parts come through to my workspace as "out of date" How is it possible to check out the latest version of the assembly and not get all the latest parts. Some are several versions behind.

Thanks in advance!
It can happen ifthose outdated parts are instances of generic and those instances were removed from latest generic.


You have to know with parts are out of date. Then close and erase the assy from memory. After doing that, double click your working directory so that the contents folder opens. Then check the box versions and select the apply button. then look for the part (it's going to have many version .16,.17,.19 numbers. You have to open one by one (after opening one ,and realizing that it is not the part you are looking for, you have erase memory after closing it. Once you've found the one you want save it.



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