I'm trying to help out a colleague who has a dimension in a part whose value he wants to use in other part. The dimension is generated in the part, so it's not coming from a higher level like e.g. a skeleton.
I know I can simply click the dimension in an assembly containing both parts and add a relation, but what I don't like is that both models do not show in the part, that there is a reference between them. Only the reference viewer shows this relation.
I prefer having a feature in the model tree just like using publish geometry and external copygeometry, so it's clear immediately to anyone viewing or editing the parts that they have a reference between them. But of course this only works for geometry and datums.
Is there a way to pass the dimension value in this kind of way with a feature in the model tree?
I also tried creating an analysis feature from the dimension, which creates a parameter from the dimension. Then I also couldn't find how to pass this parameter to the other part...
Does anyone know a good practice to pass the dimension to another part?
Thank you!
I'm trying to help out a colleague who has a dimension in a part whose value he wants to use in other part. The dimension is generated in the part, so it's not coming from a higher level like e.g. a skeleton.
I know I can simply click the dimension in an assembly containing both parts and add a relation, but what I don't like is that both models do not show in the part, that there is a reference between them. Only the reference viewer shows this relation.
I prefer having a feature in the model tree just like using publish geometry and external copygeometry, so it's clear immediately to anyone viewing or editing the parts that they have a reference between them. But of course this only works for geometry and datums.
Is there a way to pass the dimension value in this kind of way with a feature in the model tree?
I also tried creating an analysis feature from the dimension, which creates a parameter from the dimension. Then I also couldn't find how to pass this parameter to the other part...
Does anyone know a good practice to pass the dimension to another part?
Thank you!