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Patch work


New member
Hello all,

I received an IGES file from a vendor that I need to make modifications to.

I converted it to surfaces by selecting the whole part and used copy surfacebut, there are many little sliver openings that need to be patched. My goal is to eventually solidify the part. I am using Boundy Blend tool to patch then merging them to get one surface. My question is am I going about this correctly. Is there an simpler method?

thanks for any suggestions
I am guessing that the model did not come in clean as an igs file...

You do not need to create a surface of the part to fix it. You need to redefine/edit definition the imported feature. You need to close all the gaps (Yellow areas) using tools like "Zip gap" and "Edit Boundry"...

Getting a "*.stp" file might save alot of work. They typically come in much cleaner if you can get it.

