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Pattern along a trajectory


New member
Hi Everyone,

I have created free formcurve using the style feature with WF3.

Now i wish to pattern some ribs along this curve. I found some instructions on patterning along a curve where you create datum points on the curve then pattern using those datum points but the instructions were for ProE2001. If i follow those instruction i get strange results.

Is it possible to pattern along a free form curve createdusing the free formstyle feature?

I'm trying to model some electical conduit which has ribs along the surface and the conduit must follow a certain path.
To use the curve option you will need to create a sketched curve. To use the free form curve try creating a sketch and use the create an entiy from an edge tool to create a sketched curve of the free form curve.

Being tied to a 2D sketched curve is a real limitation of the pattern along a curve option. If you want to work off of a 3D curve, you need to reference the curve using datum points offset from one end of the curve. Sketch your ribs referencing those points and then use a dimension pattern. Sample file is attached.
to get the pattern to cross where two curves join you may wish to create an aproximate composite curve. That way the pattern will look at the two curves as one.
As many may know I am a huge ISDX fan.However I think I would opt for the curve through points tool for this one because I can convert between free curve and strait lines with precise radius.
I finally found a solution for patterning a feature along a curve in Pro-E Wildfire 3.0.

In my previous attempt, the protrusion did not follow the curve, but a mirror
image of the curve.

  1. This was corrected by selecting the 'internal sketch' option in the pattern feature, and copying the selected curve so that the yellow arrow is on the same end of the curve as the starting feature.
  2. The datum point must be located at 0.0 in order for the pattern feature to remain on the curve (see image below). If it is desired for a feature not to exist at location 0.0, use a copy surfaces (seed & bound), and a solidify (cut) to remove the first feature from the pattern

Below is the information provided by other Pro-E users that helped:

I found that it is critical that your feature you are pattering
along the curve be based on or start at the start point of the curve.
Also, check under the option tab for additional control over orientation.

I recall this issue as
well. I believe the "mirror" effect is due to the yellow start point
arrow being on the other end of the curve. What this pattern function appears
to be doing is translating the start point of the curve to your leader of the
pattern, and then creating the instances.

Can you click the yellow
arrow to switch it to the other end? If not, you can try creating an exact copy
of the curve (old "composite" curve functionality) and then setting
the curve start point in the copy and then use the copy to drive the pattern.

Edited by: c_thompson_68

