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pattern and mirror problem


New member
Dear members
Is it possibe to mirror or pattern merged and thickened surfaces?I need help to do this.Thanks in advance.
Yes. To mirror the geometry you need to copy the surface feature you are thickening along with the thicken feature. To pattern, first make a copy of the merged surfaces you are trying to thicken and thicken the copied surface geometry. You can then group the copied surfaceand the thicken and pattern the group or pattern the two features individually.
I saved versioned files at each step so you can follow along. Based on what you have I assume you want to mirror and pattern the surfaceson four sides making the shape of a container and then thicken the surface. The first step is merge the nine surfaces that border the retangular shape. After merging the surfaces you need to select the quilt that these merged surfaces create. You can do this by selecting on the features on the screen but it may take a couple of times of selecting geometry before you get the right selection (I found two ways of doing this). The easiest way is to use the filter. Since you know you want to select quilts change it from smart to quilts and selections now will only pick quilts. Select on one of the nine merged surfaces and it will highlight the quilt surface created by merge1. You can mirror it about the right plane. The next step is to merge the surfaces that make up the one side to make merge2. When you select the quilt you will notice it can't be patterned because it s geometry is tied to the points and curves you used to create the geometry. The next step is to select the quilt surface and select Copy and Paste to create a copy of the surface that is in the same location as the quilt. Next you can create an axis pattern of the copy feature. You can hide the two merge features and the mirror feature to make selecting the copy surface easier if you're having trouble selecting it. Next merge the four sides and the top ring surface and the bottom surface for merge3. With the filter set to quilts select the surface and thicken.
I appreciate all these files created by you and thank you very much.I think I understood everything and tried to do them myself.But after first merging I couldn't mirror the merge.Would you please tell me why.Best regards.
The merge feature is created using other features and because of this the merge feature by itself can't be mirrored by selecting it in the model tree. To mirror the geometry set the filter to quilts and select on the merged surfaces in the graphics window. This selects the quilt surface created by the merge feature which can be mirrored.
Dear kdem,
Thank you very much for all of your kind helps.I did it myself at last.As a designer you must be familiar to my feelings.Thanks and thanks again.

