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Pattern fetures on CURVE


New member
Dear friends.

I am facing problem in this if aany one knows please help me.

1) How to pattern the features through the profile curve.

Thanks and Regards

Gopal Kulkarni.
Hiand welcome on the forum.

I cant uploadthe file because at this time, server have some broblems butIfyou can give meyouremailI can sent toyou part.

Whenare you working in Wildfirefollow these steps..

1) Create some model and above the model create some datume plane.

2) Than create some curve on that plane which will be patterned curve.

3) Create some cut or protrusion (which you want to pattern)on that datum plane.

4) Now right click on the feature (cut..) and select PATTERN

5) Select FILL feature from dashboard and insert space a members along the curve(select your curve).. Thats all.

Good luck ..
Edited by: Miko
Dear MIKO,

Thanks a lot I got that.

Any way my email ID is ([email protected]) if you have made any new models please send I can improve my modelling funda.Any once agin thanks a lot.I have some doubhts i will ask you later on.If possible please give me your mail ID so we can be in touch.

Thanks and Regards

Gopal Kulkarni

