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Pattern in Sketcher


New member
Can i pattern sketcher enttites in sketcher mode.

for eg: i have a star in the sketcher and i want a circular pattern of it

please dont advise me to finsh the feature and then pattern it, i want to know whether its possible to pattern in the sketch itself? in unigraphics i can :)
dont think you can pattern a sketch in sketchmode?. But, you can use copy/paste and use consrtructionlines as ref and make it look like a pattern...

but why?

//Tobias (sitting here waitng for someone to say " you can do this in SW
You can essentially create a pattern via the use of mirrors. Crude, but it works.

I obviously didn't put much effort into this.
thanks for ur replies,

Tobias & Corey

because sketching first and then patterning it using the pattern command would increase my feature count by one, was just trying to reduce the feature nos as much as possible


rohitms said:
because sketching first and then patterning it using the pattern command would increase my feature count by one, was just trying to reduce the feature nos as much as possible

ahh...but again, why ??

No need to reduce the number of fearures in my opinion.I alwaysbuild mymodels as robust as possible, (like to be able to make quick modification without entering failuremode)and I dont care if it willtake 50 or 150 features to acchive it.


Even i follow the same approach as yours. in fact the more the no of features the better..

but just in case wht if someone asks u to model a specific part with the least possible number of features, tht is exactly wht i m trying to do.

now don ask me WHY would somebody ask me to do such a thing.

consider it as a sort of competition

but wouldnt it be cool to have a pattern option in the sketch itself?


haha, ok, i wont ask you "why" again
(but i would probably ask the person who tells me to do such a thing "why" )

But, If its a "competition", then i get your question.

Regarding to the coolnes of pattern in sketch. maybe... but since you dont want to have more than 30 or something...enteties in a sketch, then the pattern could give you serious problems and a very "heavy" sketch. But hey, in the future ,you will probably be able to pattern in a sketch too...


as i wrote in my first post " sitting here waitng for someone to say" you can do this in SW " "


rohitms said:

this is of solid works
may be we can expec the same in WF6.0

doubt it. I'd rather Pro E at least improve the regular pattern feature to be more robust than to have them waste their time allowing patterns of sketch entities. I try to avoid patterns and mirrors in Pro E because you can't add features to them or take features away from them if you change your mind later.

But, we can dream I suppose.
1 complex feature may take longer to regenerate that 10
simple features. So less features doesn't always mean

And if you are trying to get from step 1 (sketch) to step 4
(pattern of sketches), what does it matter if you go
1,2,3,4 or 1,3,2,4; you still got to 4. ie whether you
pattern inside or outside of sketcher, you still end up
with a pattern of sketches.

you might be able to make your models more robust and
faster by patterning surface copies rather than groups of

csusie said:

you might be able to make your models more robust and

faster by patterning surface copies rather than groups of


In WF 5.0 there is a "geometry pattern" that does exactly this without having to copy/past geometry. One thing that puzzles me in WF5.0 is that mirrored features seem to loose associativity with parent, I have to check it better

zpaolo said:
csusie said:

you might be able to make your models more robust and

faster by patterning surface copies rather than groups of


In WF 5.0 there is a "geometry pattern" that does exactly this without having to copy/past geometry. One thing that puzzles me in WF5.0 is that mirrored features seem to loose associativity with parent, I have to check it better


we're moving from WF 2.0 to 4.0 in the next three weeks. probably won't go to 5.0 for 6 months or more. until then, I can only dream!
Just because it's unstable in SW doesn't mean that we would have the same problem in ProE.

I could see a benefit in doing an Axial pattern for holes in sketcher then using Intent surfaces and edges to drafts and fillet.
To me that would be a faster solution and Intent geometry is very stable.

On another note I am very impressed with patterns in ProE. WF3 introduced som impressive new features such as Fill Pattern which follows a surface.
Michael, I'm sure you will more satisfied with patterns when you upgrade to WF4.
magnusod said:
Michael, I'm sure you will more satisfied with patterns when you upgrade to WF4.

i hope so because I was using SW before I moved to my current company and WF 2.0 four years ago and felt like I took a huge leap back in some regards. we'll see.

