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Pattern on complicated surface


New member

I have complicated curve surface. I need to make a rectangle holes on it. I can not use flat state! Can somebody shows me another way to create this pattern of rectangle holes, because my part is not simlpy bended, I have and die.

Thank you, very much in advance!
first of all u make a sketch on any datum plane same direction as surface, then project it onto surface and trim the surface. then u can pattern it by pattering the sketch.
I have a cool option! You can "flatten" the surface. This option can be found under the advanced features of the Insert Tab. Once you flatten the surface you can sketch out a patterned cut. It can follow any of the normal pattern options. Once you are done ProE can actually unflatten the surface again and walla! You have the shapes! This works for solids built on the surface as well!

Dont use the flat option as when you unflatten the surface the feature you created for pattern will also deform.This is not the right way to do it.Follow Zaki's approach.


Deepak Bhat

