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pattern problem


New member
Hi guys,

I'm trying to create a pattern like the on in this picture file...
Any hints as to how i should proceed with this?
I tried patterning this usingaxis pattern...but i'm not sure how to vary the height of the slots.


Edited by: alvin164
well i managed to be able to vary the hight of the slot but it's not liek the one in the picture....

mine was row 1 all length = 1"
row 2 all length = 1.5"
row 3 all length = 2"

how can i make the length gradually change its heightand reduce its height as it approach the side wall? will i need a graph??

thanks for the help.

I took a crack at it- needed to create a copy of your lower curve as an "approximate" curve so that it the entire curve could be selected for the lower part of the slot to follow.The approximate copy converts it to a continuous spline.

I did a dimension pattern so that the webs that are left are the same size.
I found that if you used points patterned along the curve then the webs ended up different widths, particularly noticeable at the ends.

take a look

Did you try pattern by table? It can be very confusing to use because the columns

don't line up, but it is very robust and powerfull.
OK... Try this.... This is not exactly the same... but will give you a direction.

By the way...are you working on a research project on Patterning..?
That's very nice, Srini.
A suggestion: The posted jpg is a little fuzzy. Maybe a zipped bmp would be sharper? (If anyone else thinks it'll help. I think I can make out things well enough...)
A question: Is Pattern 1 datum planes used to define pts on curve and Pattern 3 a Reference Pattern, too?

can you post a pic...?

By the way did you receive the file sent to you on patterning along a curve...?

Yes i got the file SRI... thanks for the help...
u'll find on my first postthat contains the jpg file inside the zip file
Edited by: alvin164
OK... Try this.... This is not exactly the same... but will give you a direction.

By the way...are you working on a research project on Patterning..?

Hi Sri,

Can you put the picture and the pro e file in a zip file??
thanks for all ur help i'm not working on a research project on patterning.... more like for WORK hahaha
jeff4136 said:
That's very nice, Srini.
A suggestion: The posted jpg is a little fuzzy. Maybe a zipped bmp would be sharper?
A question: Is Pattern 1 datum planes used to define pts on curve and Pattern 3 a Reference Pattern, too?
the bmp file size is > 50kb limit. Further this site is returning an error message when I try to upload a file.

Since I made this after a few trials, some of the features are not required (sketch 1, sketch 2, pattern 1 and sketch 4; Pattern 2 is deleted).

Sketch 5 and 6 are on the same plane. Points pnt0 (on sketch 5) and point pnt22(on sketch 6) are grouped before patterning (Pattern 3). This ensures that the control is passed on to the reference pattern (Pattern 4).

cannot upload today too....
Ok, cool. Thank you.

Another picisn't necessary unless someone else wants it. You have to zip a bmp to upload (like a part file), I believe. They aren't allowed for embedded pic upload (probably because of the relatively large file size; they must have a lot of whitespace because they usually zip to about the same size as a zipped jpg).
jeff4136 said:
they must have a lot of whitespace because they usually zip to about the same size as a zipped jpg).
Yes this is exactly the reason why I change the system colors before capturing a snap shot of the screen. But still 50 KB is less. It comes to around 130 KB.
jeff4136 said:
they must have a lot of whitespace because they usually zip to about the same size as a zipped jpg).
Yes this is exactly the reason why I change the system colors before capturing a snap shot of the screen. But still 50 KB is less. It comes to around 130 KB.

Hi Sri,

Can u post the file here please... thanks alot...also since mine is a pattern, can i use ur method and pattern it and the length will increase everytime i increase the patter by 1 (increase pattern by 1, length of the slot icrease by x, etc)?
jeff4136 said:
Ok, cool. Thank you.

Another picisn't necessary unless someone else wants it. You have to zip a bmp to upload (like a part file), I believe. They aren't allowed for embedded pic upload (probably because of the relatively large file size; they must have a lot of whitespace because they usually zip to about the same size as a zipped jpg).

Hi Jeff,

Were u able to do the pattern that sri did like the on that he did on the post above urs? Did he create a sketch as a boundary of the extrusion? if u were able to create the pattern on WF2, do u mine posting the file here?thanks

here is my file...2008-04-21_151625_dl-ecp-1b.prt.rar.... I can't seem to pattern the points like the one that SRI did. Do u know what's wrong?
Edited by: alvin164
Let me try to post the zip file once again...

no sorry. It says the site is under maintenance or has programming error. Whatever that means.


I shall try to mail it to you.
Hi Sri,

Thanks alot for the tips... I got it working.. However, i encountered this problem on my last pattern. The last pattern went over my boundary. How can i fix this? I've sent you an e-mail with the part.... I have a problem attached the file on here... Don't know why.

anyone else having trouble attaching files?


Let me try to post the zip file once again...

no sorry. It says the site is under maintenance or has programming error. Whatever that means.


I shall try to mail it to you.

