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Pb to display attributes (Mass, Material) in a BOM


My name is Jean-Claude Denat and I am new in your forum. Glad to be with you.
Normally, I am working in PLM ans was using Catia v5 10 years ago. So i am no more completely fluent with.
To day I have a problem to display attributes in a BOM

First of all sorry if I do not use the right forum folder, please give me information to solve that

I Try to edit a BOM of a big assembly and transfer it in .csv file. I need to display Mass, Material, CG of CATParts

In the assembly tree on the left side, I have all infos of parts. I use inertia macros and everything is done.

When I edit the BOM, I have the full list of parts but for certains parts I Have no attributes displayed. Si I display Mass for certains parts but not for all.
Meanwhile, I have created a parameter MASSE in the properties window of the part and I link this parameter with the formula Mass.
I see the result in the properties window of the part but not in the BOM window.
Perhaps, problem is due to the fact that some parts are older than others (diff : 5 years). They have not the same template.

If needed, I can send to you Catia v5 files and print screen files. But I don't know how to do that in your forum
Do you have a solution
Thank you in advance for your support
Have good day

JC Denat

