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PDMlink - Check out


We are experiencing some problems with Proe WF5/Windchill
9.1 interaction. We are about ten Proe/Windchill users
and we design and manufacture medium sized assemblies.
Examples of the problems we are facing:

- The systems asks to check out some library components
when we try to assemble them. These components have been
created by the administrator and are simple parts, with
no external relationships.

- When we load an assembly from windchill cabinets, the
system asks to check out some components with no logic
reasons for that. The assembly was regenerated and with
no errors prior to checkin in.

- Our designers do not usually create undesired or
complex relationships between parts. We tend to use
skeletons and published features for sharing geometry.

- Also, the system needs to check out a drawing format
(frm) when trying to check in the drawing using that

I remember about some options for prevent some
unwanted check outs, but can
Here are the config options that we use as suggested by
our VAR, recommendations from PTC.

If these does not help it might be that the library
components were checked in with an earlier version of
ProE or that they were not verified nefore check in.

relat_marks_obj_modified no
retrieve_data_sharing_ref_parts no
bump_revnum_on_retr_regen no
freeze_failed_assy_comp no
new_asm_regen_revnums no
regen_read_only_insts no
regenerate_read_only_objects no
save_objects changed
mass_property_calculate by_request
mass_prop_update_force_change no
mark_insts_modified_by_mp_calc changed
create_drawing_dims_only yes
save_modified_draw_models_only yes
open_simplified_rep_by_default no
save_implicitly_verified_insts no
save_instance_accelerator none
retrieve_instance_dependencies instance_deps_only
Edited by: magnusod


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