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Physically switch out orientations


New member
Hey fellas,

I'm relatively new to SolidWorks as my company has just switched over from another program.

I started a new sketch on the front plane when I meant to start the sketch on the top plane. This is a sheet metal part and I wanted to make sure it's orientated correctly.

How can I get my sketch to show up on the top plane and not the front plane? Is there a way to move the entire sketch?

Or, is there a way to switch out the front view for the top view. I believe Inventor has a way to switch your view to whatever you prefer (by that I mean change the top view to the bottom view, for example). For example, let's say I started a sketch on the top view and I now want that top view to be the side view instead. Is there a way to switch it out?

If not, what's the best way to move a sketch so that it's orientated on the top plane instead of the front plane and keep the origin?
Left click on the "Sketch" in the Feature Manager. One of
the icons that comes up is "Edit Sketch Plane." Left-click
on that icon and click on the "Top Plane." Voila!

