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PITA Airfoil


New member
All too often I have to work with .igs files exported from a program and they can be difficult to manipulate. This one in particular is unrelenting. It seems that the required fillet sizes never play nice with the model.

Below, you'll notice that I'm trying to add a .06" fillet following the curvature of the airfoil and it will fail. I have tried partial loop - individual curve selection, surface to surface selection, and incremental filleting (put a smaller fillet in and then a bigger one over top of it), but to no avail. The transition options only prompt me to pick an end point, which I either can't do anything with or don't know how to handle appropriately. Any suggestions?

View attachment 5634

Edited by: Brndn_4
if its not important for the fillet surface to be exactly
circular in its profile shape, you can apply boundary
blend and make that fillet surface that way, piece by
piece, not but making it in a single feature.
Edited by: solidworm
Copy the surfaces
offset the hub surface and the blade surfs
Use the intersect command to to generate the curves you need
I am wondering if VSS could pull this off in one shot.
If you can get the fillet in surface form you can make it all work.
If you give me just the surfaces local to the fillet I'll take a shot at it for you.
The sharp end looks like trouble. Boundary blend will work but repair to go click happy.

Are you going to machine this and that is the reason for the rad?
Now you know why the customer left it out and put it on the drawing, they could not get it either.

(I use WF 4.0)

I sure wish I had more time to monkey with this, but considering that
I'm just trying to help a coworker out, this is more time consuming than
I'd like to admit.


Thanks for the quick replies.


We are running under the assumption that there should be a .06" radius
all the way around per the radius on the cutter used and that the fillet
should be tangent to each surface.


I'm not sure how to do the boundary blending, as it would require play
that I don't really have time for, yet I can kind of picture what you're
getting at, Cpoirier.


Thanks for offering to play with this. I can't promise to get you
anything anytime soon though since it will take some prep work. I'll
keep it in mind though.


Thank you for this. I completely forgot about the through curve function
and how to use it. Quickly applying this, I managed to get a fillet of
~.055" max before it failing still. I think my coworker said putting a
max/min note and the rounding might compensate, if necessary.

View attachment 5637
How to grab the surfs:
Drop in this part and a dummy part.
Activate the dummy part
Select surfs, copy and paste
Alt-A back to the assy and open up the dummy part.
Cut away what you don't want me to see.
Save the dummy part as an IGES
Only need the bottom of the blade and a small part of the hub.

If not I under stand.


