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Plastic handle for hand saw


New member
Hello guys

I want to test your patience and ask you a question not related to Pro/E stuff.

Please forward me to resources where I can obtain information regarding mechanical conditions/requirements behind designing handle for hand saw:

* raw material for blade(what exactly tool steel is used)

* physics behind cutting - forces and so forth(in the case of evaluating screws connections behind handle and blade)

*compound typicaly selected for handle
View attachment 5814

thanks in advance

nice post, i'd like to do some research about such a
project too. to add to the questions (sorry about that),
lets say we want to manufacture that saw (is that your
intent,btw?), how much investment should we make to mass
produce it? lets say 5K units, including molding costs
material costs, how many of these saws should we produce
cover the costs and make some profits?

*some documents regarding forces on the saw teeth,
hopefully we can assume the cutting conditions, the
number of engaged teeth and calculate forces:
Edited by: solidworm

I am not aware of all quantaties behind the order. The project is up to be launched and I am investigating about the stuff - what, where, why. I am partialy involve in design side, partialy in mechanical one.

At the end, blade will be selected from existing ones, and likely the same factory would make a mold for handle, or at least assemble whole stuff togehter. S o I want to know what tooling steel would fit best to our needs. How can I play with screws, or even replace them(ultrasonic welding?)

Regarding your question of costs:

this would be clear when design of handle is done, and material is selected. Becasue this handle is expected to have couple of colors molding part is likely to cost more than ordinary one. I ca not share prices my company has, sorry.

The equation about total/final price seems to be rather simple : you take your margin and desicde how much of this you can spent on tooling to let yoursellf still earn something, then you divide your tooling costs by this value and as a result you have quantities you must sell to return money from tooling.

Edited by: muadib3d

