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Plastic moulding with metal insert


New member
I need to model a moulded plastic part that has a metal
insert moulded within it. Does anyone have any idea how to
model such a part. Do I model both parts separately and put
them into an assembly? Do I model just one part that
includes all the features for both parts? Can anyone send
me JPEG file for clarification?
Edited by: sorabhdhiman
I would model them separately. Create an assembly with the plastic part. Add the metal part in the appropriate location and then do a cutout on the plastic part to remove material where the metal part is. This way if you change the metal part the plastic part will always update as long as you regen the assembly.
You have to create a hole within the plastic part where the the metallic part will be assembled with the same shape and dimensions. Then after creating the work piece for the plastic part go to Insert---Mold Geometry-----Mold Volume----Mold Model[choose assemble] and insert the metallic part.
If you have any question in mold design send me at: [email protected]
and you are welcome.
I second Krow72. We regularly use inserts in PVC plates. They are modelled seperately and assembled. However, the drawing can include both the plastic part and the insert. It is also the preferred way since, mass properties would be different, BOM would include the insert and most importantly, your design intent is conveyed without any ambiguity.

In the case of "Insert Moulding", Krow72's method is appropriate and where you insert an "Insert" later as in the case of threaded inserts, you can have them as an assembly. It would give you a small volume of interference which you can ignore.
I -always- model parts separately, which are separate parts at some point and put them into an assembly.

In his case you can publish the insert geometry and import it as external copygeometry into the plastic part (most useful, when the insert is a standard part), or use a skeleton to drive both insert and plastic part (when the insert is a custom part).

This way you can have both geometries exact (without interferences) and a correct assembly as well.
you'd want to model them separately because the insert part must be fabricated by somebody so they at least need to know what the geometry of that part is.

then, that part is more or less assembled to a plastic part during the molding process. there is no unique plastic part that exists without the insert, but you still have a two part assembly that you then use for manufacturing.

I do this when overmolding TPE onto plastic parts as well because I have the first "insert" part and then I apply the overmold to that part. I never see a drawing with just the overmold but I need drawings of the first and second parts.
Dear bhushanpawar8

I have long experience in mold design and manufacturing on Pro/E specially in creating
parting lines and surfaces (the most difficult task); however, I gained my experience and
knowledge by "try and learn" technique and I don't have any advanced tutorials, the only
tutorials I have are the PTC published tutorial and simple tutorials can be found easily
if you go to youtube or google.
If you have any question or problem in creating parting lines or surfaces for the
splitting, you can ask me through this forum.

Hope that helps and good luck.
thanks faisalmk,
With Insert molding, a plastic part is formed or molded directly over or around metal or plastic components, resulting in a single piece assembly & This value-added molding operation eliminates need for costly additional assembly process.
hello everyone!!

I am Guru.
Thought of creating a new thread for insert molding queries i had, but came across this thread. So posting my question here.

i am new to Insert molding technique.
right now i am designing 3 pin UK plug top, where in i am experiencing trouble.
what are the design considerations for plastic part ? how do i show that metal pins are to be inserted while molding process? what should be the wall thickness ?

Kindly help

Guru HM

