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Plastic Plating Process Question


New member
I got a drawing. There are the process manufacturing question I can't get recognized.

-2-.Selective plastic plating
Tolerance as follow:
1. Pattern to Patter: 0.1 mm
2. Pattern to Substrate: 0.15 mm

My questions are where the substrate is mentioned and what is the substrate.

I raise up the first requirement's condition and term on this drawing.

-1.- Selective plastic plating to be as follow:
0.1-0.2 microns Immersion Gold
over 0.5-2 microns Nickel
over 10-18 microns Copper

My imagination and intentional draw as below:

Layer1 --------------- ||=> 0.1-0.2 Immersion Gold (Patter layer)
Layer2 --------------- ||=> Nickel 0.5-2 um (Pattern layer)
Layer3 --------------- ||=> Copper 10-18 um (Pattern layer)
Layer4 ============
Layer4 |=== rigid====| ||
Layer4 |=== plated== | ||}=> Substrate layer
Layer4 |=== part====| ||
Layer4 ============

So, what I draw is correct? Thanks your kindly respond.
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