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Please help with Map key


New member
Hi I have about 40 files that I have to open and rescale
the text in the tile block by .75 then change the drawing
file name. along with a few other changes that all files
will have. I tried recording a mapkey like I have always
done but it does not seem to be adding the keyboard input
or re-scaling. it does change sheets ect... but it does not
do the actions I selected one is a select copy and paste.
can this not be done with a mapkey? I was thinking about
trying to do it with a trail file but have never used them.
thanks for the help
Well I managed to get a trail file to work but for some
reason it plays extremely slow like 5 mins to do what took
me 5 seconds to do.
You cannot have a mapkey select an object to paste it as that is a user input. You can pause it for user input though.
thanks for the tip. I have done this manually now but just
wondering if in the future could it be done with a trail
file? the one i made seemed to work but ran extremely slow
any ideas? thanks
thrawn7977 said:
thanks for the tip. I have done this manually now but just
wondering if in the future could it be done with a trail
file? the one i made seemed to work but ran extremely slow
any ideas? thanks

Use the option trail_delay to adapt the speed! (set it to 0.0)

