I'm having some sign issues. I have sweep (black), the trajectory of which is driven by the placement of a datum point. The point is relation driven, based on X and Y offsets from the part datums.
The problem is the framing (red)which is assembled atop the swept part. Itis referenced off of the assembly datums, and these offsets are set equal to the value of the point offsets.
View attachment 3812
I'm now having sign problems when I re-define the placement of the point. The point is moving OK, but the framing is sometimes moving the opposite direction. I understand that my sign will not neccisaryily be the same between the two.
What I can'tfigure out is that the error is not consistant. Itwould be one thing if the framewas always moving thewrong direction, but it's sporatic. Sometimes it regens fine. Sometimes the frame offsets the wrong direction. Sometimes the horizontal members will regen opposite (see above) and the vertical ones will regen correctly.
It seems like the signs for the point definition are consistant. But the offsets for the framing angles, which are simply set equal to in the relations,seem to flip randomly, and unpredictably.
If anyone knows how to better control the signs, or has any idea what I'm talking about, please let me know.
The problem is the framing (red)which is assembled atop the swept part. Itis referenced off of the assembly datums, and these offsets are set equal to the value of the point offsets.
View attachment 3812
I'm now having sign problems when I re-define the placement of the point. The point is moving OK, but the framing is sometimes moving the opposite direction. I understand that my sign will not neccisaryily be the same between the two.
What I can'tfigure out is that the error is not consistant. Itwould be one thing if the framewas always moving thewrong direction, but it's sporatic. Sometimes it regens fine. Sometimes the frame offsets the wrong direction. Sometimes the horizontal members will regen opposite (see above) and the vertical ones will regen correctly.
It seems like the signs for the point definition are consistant. But the offsets for the framing angles, which are simply set equal to in the relations,seem to flip randomly, and unpredictably.
If anyone knows how to better control the signs, or has any idea what I'm talking about, please let me know.