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point or csys on center of gravity questi


New member
wf1 230

Found some archieved topics and trying to implement. Its not liking me, the novice relation user (and I know i am not alone)

I followed the below example and when i got to the relations step... the each had extra symbols found and where ignored

$d4:1=mp_cg_x("","ACS_DEF","") X Translation
$d5:1=mp_cg_y("","ACS_DEF","") Y Translation
$d6:1=mp_cg_z("","ACS_DEF","") Z Translation

with me doing an edit on the newly created point and switch dims... and the acs_def is our assembly default cordsys

Now, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong, please?

and can someone tell me how to change text color and post jpgs to the post inside the lyris ListManager forum.

Please and Thank you


ok i had some one tell me that the new syntax for wildfire is --> pro_mp_cogy

so I enter in the following

$d4:1=pro_mp_cogx("","ACS_DEF","") X Translation
errorInvalid symbol 'pro_mp_cogx' found.
$d5:1=pro_mp_cogy("","ACS_DEF","") Y Translation
errorInvalid symbol 'pro_mp_cogy' found.
$d6:1=pro_mp_cogz("","ACS_DEF","") Z Translation
errorInvalid symbol 'pro_mp_cogz' found.

and recieved the invalid symbol error....

i know that you have to run an analysis of mass properties before hand. but i cant add the analysis as a feature due to no behavioral modeling extension. I know some of oyu are doing this right now, hook up a brother will ya!

please and Thank you

> Subject: RE: [model] Center of Gravity
> Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 13:26:52 -0600
> From: "Henriksen, Eric"
> To:

For models that do not have CG, follow the steps below to create.
1. If you don't already have one, create a default coordinate
system in the part.
2. Calculate part mass properties.
3. Create a datum point offset from the coordinate system with dimensions. Specify the coordinate system as Cartesian. Enter any arbitrary x, y, and z values.
4. Create relations to drive the datum point's three translation
dimensions as follows:
$d#=mp_cg_x("","coord_sys","") X Translation
$d#=mp_cg_y("","coord_sys","") Y Translation
$d#=mp_cg_z("","coord_sys","") Z Translation
The $ HAS to be in front.
d# is the dimension number, for assemblies, this will be d#:#.
Coord_sys is the name of the coordinate system the point is offset from(i.e., for parts: CSYS_PART_DEF, for assemblies: CSYS_ASM_DEF).
5. Regenerate the part.
6. Mass properties need to be recalculated after a part change,
then the part needs to be regenerated to update the relations.
Steps 5 and 6 need to be repeated after any change to the model
We added this to all start parts and assemblies. You may have to remark

the relations in an empty start assembly
point or csys on center of gravity question... on the topic

bottom of mail has instructions on putting a pont at the cog, then adding relations to automatically re-evaluate on regen

I would think this would be more common.?


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