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Poor man’s project log


New member
Though not a tool for "Pro/E" Data Management exactly, this Excel Project Log tool ( can be used to keep tabs onmeetings, correspondence, design notes, and otherinformationfrom multiple projects, also providing an easy means of tracking TO DO items and searching for specific words or phrases that have been logged. You can add sheets for new projects and add lines within each easily. Here's a picture:

Make sure to have macros enabled. And use the "Help" buttons to learn how to use it.

Sorry it's not specifically for Pro/E. Just thought it might be useful for anyone who has to keep track of notes and changes on different projects.

Edited by: bigdaddy
thanks shawn, this is a very nice project log, i had something similar but i like how you incorporated the filter options and splitting the projects into different sheets. very nice.
That Excel ToDo sheet is actually quite similar to what I'm using.
However I have the following columns:

Item number (just counting up 1,2,3 ...)
Date (When I added it to the list)
Concerned (E.g. what part/assembly is concerned
Description of the issue (What to do)
Responsibility (Who is responsible for doing it)
Planned due date (When it should be finished)
Item done date (When the to do for ths item has been finished)
Remarks (Further remarks, e.g. I add a note with the date and what has been done so far with regards to the issue)

I think it's more complete this way
I am going nuts managing many tasks for incoming tool
designs and writing manufacturing plans. I am going to
try real hard in the new year to be on top of things
more and be more pro-active than re-active. I have ADD
(self diagnosed grin) and have a hard time going from
one fire to another and am not real effective. Anyway I
have looked at the excel file you made and would really
like a few examples of how you use it. OR does anyone
else know of free tools to help stay organized when you
have a lot going on?


I hope you will find it helpful. I use it every day at work to keep notes on conversations, decisions made on projects, add TO DO items, log phone call details. If I keep on top of things and enter info along the way, it makes it really easy to search for that information later.

There are HELP buttons on each sheet that explain how to use them, but here's an overview of how I use it:

PROJECT TABS: I create a new tab to separate out different projects (Use Add New Sheet button). Within a sheet, I'll use the Add New Line button to adda line. It automatically puts in the date and time and you can enter Overview, Description and Status as you like. If you want an item included on the TODO list automatically, just put an X in Column A. The row will change color and if you hit the TO DO link, it will bring in all the TO DO items from all your tabs into one place.

FILTERING TAB: I use this one a lot. If I'm trying to look up info on a certain design, I enter a keyword like "mechanism" and it will then go and grab everywhere on any sheet where the word "mechanism" is used, and also highlight where your word shows up by putting it in bold.

TO DO TAB: I use this to get a glance across all my projects of what items are still pending. You can also change information on this sheet and have it back-fill into the cells where it grabbed it from originally.

If you have any other questions about it, just let me know.

