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Prevent Creasing in ISDX


New member
hello, can anyone give me tips on how to get rid of the seam that occurs here where the mirror feature divides? Feature was made in Style mode, it will not allow me to set the surface connections normal to the center plane, even if the surrounding curves are normal to the center plane. i can't seem to overcome these instances in surfacing. if i try to make the surface all one feature without mirroring half, it forces me to pick one side. thanks so much! View attachment 4681
Surface must be normal to mirror plane. See "Connections" in ISDX.
But before surface, curves that define surface also must be normal to mirror plane
Just because the curves are normal to the plane doesn't mean that Pro/E knows they are normal. In other words, I may understand that because of the method used to build them, they end up normal, but Pro/E won't necessarily recognize that.

Go back into your curves and figure out a different way to build them so that they are explicitly normal.

Without seeing your model, it's hard to be more specific than that.
hi, it looks like I just might have solved it for now. those normal connections to the mirror plane wouldn't work before but somehow I went back and they worked. thanks guys
You should be able to force a normal to datum constraint in style.

I would have to see the model to understand the problem
Hi Jraquet, by seeing the model do you mean actually sending you the .prt file? that would be no problem, but just making sure you were able to view the picture I attached above?


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