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Preview UDF


New member
I found a PTC document that said that you can preview UDFs with Productview express installed as long as the UDFs are created with WF2 and higher. I tested this and it does work as long as your working directory is set to the same place as the UDF reference models.

This makes no sense to me. Why in the hell would you set your working directory to your group directory just to preview the UDF before you place it? I've tried everything I can think of to get the preview to work being in a different working directory but it just does not work. I called PTC Non-Support and, first the guy tried to tell me that they are not going to help me because Productview express is a free app. I reminded him that Productview is not and Express comes with productview and there is a PTC pdf floating around saying that it does work which it does not.

Anyway, he tried it on his end and he said that it was working. I really don't buy it because I've tried everything and it never works for me. Basically he just didn't want to offer support for all that money we spend on maintains.

Long story short, does anybody use this? Does anybody have this working or know how to preview UDF with the working directory set in a different place?
Actually, Productview Express (PVX) is a free app. You can download it for free from the PTC website.

That said, I created a simple UDF in WF2 M160, and I could not preview the UDF, regardless of what my working directory was set to. I could preview the reference model (after all, it is just a part file) regardless of the working directory.

How are you previewing the UDF? I assume you mean the actual .gph file. When I tried to preview the UDF within Pro E, I just got that "Graphics data not available" message.
ProductView Express is free, ProductView is not as I stated in my first post.

If you change your working directory to where you have the gph and the reference prt file then create a simple model and goto insert UDF, if you click on the gph file it should show you the model, make sure the preview button is selected. I am on M210, don't know if this makes a different or not.

Even if it does work or not, it should regerdless. I'm so sick of PTC's half ass way of doing things. What good is having the ability to view gph files only if the sun, moon and mars are lined up perfectly.

