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print out assemble and parts


New member
1. In my Pro/E Wildfire 4.0, there is no option save as copy to DRW nor DWG. Anyone can answer?

2. My assemble and part are too large. It can not print directly. What act to smaller all the part and assemble?

3. I want to print out all parts in assemble and the measure. Can anyone help?

I am newbie in 3D. Explain steps in detail.

Thank you very much.
1-file> Save a copy>Type "dwg"

2 & 3 : Do you want to print the list of the parts in your assembly or you want to print out what you see?

Thank you Ali,
1. file>Save a copy>Type.. there is no "dwg" type in my Pro E. I don't know why.
2 and 3. Yes I want to print out what I see include the part inside the assembly and all annotation driving dimension.
Ooh.. I see Ali, I can make drw file by make new drawing.
But please help me for question 2 & 3: smaller all part and assemble, and also print out what I see the assemble and all parts sparately but not one by one and the annotation (measure)

Thank you very much.
Imuf You can set the scale of each view or you can set the scale on the drawing - Click on the SCALE value at the bottom left corner of the screen and change the value to 1/2 for half size

To save drawing as .dwg File - save a copy - at the bottom of the dialogue box is a field called type click the little arrow at the right hand end and select the format .dwg from the list

Hope that helps


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