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Printing multiple views in one sheet


New member
Dear Engineers:-

I have a 3D model and I wanna plot it out with two of its views in the same sheet.

Please help me do it..............
Insert a view using #Insert > #Drawing View > #General (or whatever you want).

This is a fundamental of fundamentals. I strongly recommend a training course.
thanks for your reply.

but I want to plot it as shaded models which means while working in assembly.

this time trying insert... drawing view will not work. I am not working in drawing format.

hope you can help with this.
If you are working in model mode, you can only plot what you see on the screen. One model, only one shaded view. You can do a save as jpeg and make multiplejpegs then use a third party image software (ex. photoshop) to merge all the jpegs into one drawing to plot but that is some work. Hope this helps.


Edited by: krow72
Thank you all

I am using wildfire 2 and yes I have made jpg files.I will try to use photoshop (good advice Krow).

Thank you again.

