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At the conference there was a lot of talk about co-create. Anyone use that software yet? Guess it's about time I got my feet wet on that type of modeling. Unigraphics thinks its a major mind shift for modeling... PTC owns Cocreate however there are other competitors out there. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts with / or without experience.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Edited by: design-engine
Pro-create..... Thought you was talking about activities you wanted to do with the Tattoo girl at the airport
A companyI do work for uses it, its pretty basic in outline, its a polygon modeller with engineering bias. No model tree, polygon,edges and vertices manipulation. Very quick and easy to model mechanical stuff up in. Its a very effective tool and does its job well.

I found it a bit of a step back though, felt like I was back using auto cad years ago doing bolean stuff!

Pro/Cocreate - direct modeling with pop- up menu? This could be intresting if You consider Yourself as masohist.

Let PTC first improve Warp tool up to same level as it is in other software(i.e. Catia), than one can say there is a direction to fallow.

I gues if it is considered to combine Spaceclaim ease of creation within Pro/E feature based legacy, it would be done on the same condition as ISDX is now - it works, it is each time better, it is expensive.

.... or, maybe these are signs to told us(whole community) Pro/E Desktop is considered for resurection within Direct modeling approach.
There is a Siemens video out that talks of a new tool in NX that might be in the same product category as procreate. < I like writing it like that.
Jacek, it is old style modelling but its still the most robust form of modelling, there is nothing to regen, no parent child stuff to go wrong, it defo has its places in some areas. In the companies I've seen it used in it was used to great effect, very fast modelling. Talking just mechanical stuff.

I would still rather use Proe, but nothing should be totally discounted.


Bart - writing it's good - doing it's better!!!!

Edited by: mcgowanp
I want to play with that software before I make any real comment one way or another. I found most users handle parent child relationships like their garage. Messy.

And if they tried harder or had someone push them the proe models could change while the manager stands over their shoulder.

Edited by: design-engine
Yea, I took a look at that one-two weeks ago. Still do not have a clear clue what to think about that.

I assume all toward to quicker learning curve and ease of use. However I do belive not all is possible to simplify.

Still there is a lot of free space left for such investigations. The biggest lack of each"newbie" engineer is experience. If this is going to replaced by software, than we can discuss "big" step forward in "CAD" industry. Till this moment this is a dream.

However, who knows, maybe 0 hour is closer than one think. Big fishes in automotive "lake" spent a lot of effort to bring this idea to life.

Check links below to catch what I mean - these are pdf which are tend to be "heavy"(up to 8 Mb)

link about Ansa

TOSCA solutions 1

TOSCA solutions 2
[url] 167&PN=0&TPN=1[/url]

jbuckl said:
only from what i heard this product (cocreate) competes with Cadd5!

[url] =30127[/url]
"The AN-148 regional jet is the first aircraft in the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS), and among the first in the world,
designed completely by means of digital technologies. The design
was developed completely in a PTC software environment with more
than 300 ANTONOV engineers using PTC
can any one introduce a clear statement considering difference between CADDs and PRO/E?(more only than where they are use)

I checked pics - some models looks really easy to create in Pro/E
I ran across this a while back ... thread/thread/dca2b7fef4b6b486/001b338991469d73?lnk=st&q =#001b338991469d73

You can get some idea of the differences by browsing through some
of the User Guides on the referenced sites. Parts is parts*, but
I think to get a real idea why it's still being marketed and,
apparently, purchased you'd have to get an idea of how it handles
assemblies of the scope required for all digital heavy industry

* Those are pretty simple (mostly planar and cylindrical faces with
rounds) parts compared to airframe structural components, though.
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Oh, yeah. I noticed at the bottom of CoCreate's web site it says;
A subsidiary of PTC. Pro/CoCreate might be 'politically incorrect'. ;^)
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Edited by: jeff4136
CoCreate OneSpace is mainly used by Hewlett Packard and Canon for solid modeling of injection molded plastic parts. The design process is known as "dynamic modeling" since it does not rely on a history table. It is very easy to design complex parts quickly, and it is easier to modify imported parts from other CAD systems that history-based programs. Where it suffers is in the 2D drawing end. Maintaining associativity between 3D models and 2D drawings is a tricky process, and there is a lot of room for improvement with all of the drawing tools.

Cocreate has a personal edition that is free to download and use.

