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Pro/Concept demo install problems in OS X


New member
I once was introduced to ProConcept by a professional user (sales guy)
and got really hocked on some functions, especially some of the pen
tablet integration and the fact it runns in OS X. :)

I have now downloaded the Pro/Concept demo from PTC.
It just dont want to install, as it gets some sort of license error.

I have tried many times, on different machines and with different license
(dowmloaded it more than once, to recive different licenses from PTC,
just to be sure).
Is this a known bug, maybe with some work arounds?

At $1850, does it include some sort of support?
Is there anyone here using it?
I have the student licence for Wildfire 2, is there a student version of Pro/
Concept too? The demo seems to last only 60 days.


Happy new year!

