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Pro/E file sort order


New member
I have a question that may have been answered before. I have done a search but not found anything. Apologies if it has already been done.

Why does Pro/E not sort files in alphabetical order. It seems the file dialog interface is not a typical windows standard allowing you to sort files by date modified / size etc. Is this a Unix legacy ??

This question was asked by one of my new users, and although I have thought about if before, learnt to work around it / accept it.

Is there a way to get files in open or set working directory to be displayed in alphabetical order??


Pro/E files do sort in alphabetical order with a couple of exceptions.

Folder names in upper case A-Z list before lowercase a-z (you can use this to your advantage)

The number sorting got screwed around with XP (I think) probably in order get .prt.10 to list after .prt.9 instead of after .prt.1 but it can also lead to some weird s**t with file order listings.

Pro/E also hides a lot of files from you unless you specifically need to see them.

Personally, in 12 years of using Pro/E I have never felt ANY requirement to list by size or date from within Pro/E. For the rare occasion I want to get a specifically dated file I already know what the file name is anyway and track it down through details.


Edited by: Dell_Boy
An example of what I mean by weird sh*t.

The following screenshot is of a folder in Win2k

View attachment 2439

Now the folder as seen through WinXP

View attachment 2440

Spot the difference. XP thinks that 8x0 comes BEFORE 590 instead of after 845

Looks like somepropellor head tried to fix something that wasn't broken.


Edited by: Dell_Boy
Came across the same thing recently because I lost track of some pneumatic (imported) parts I knew for sure I had.

The new way XP sorts is to get the numerical value of digits instead of their alfabetical value. And this is true anywhere in the filename.

The good thing is if you create screenshots like "screen1", "screen2", ... "screen10", the 10 won't be squeezed in between 1 and 2. The bad thing is that "part789" now comes before "part1230".

Attached registry hack will revert to Win2K behaviour. Of course you try this at your own risk, blabla, blabla ... Typed it from what I found on the net.

