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Pro E prefered mouse?


New member
Here’ a question, pertaining to the basic user inputs..
(or why I’ seem to be needing a new mouse!)

My 1st query is to the mouse button use. Is there a particular mouse that Pro E is expecting us to use? I remember way back, that mice had three buttons. While modern mice do have three buttons, the middle button is more of a wheel, and it’s use as a button is very rare outside of Pro E.. (Is this a thro-back to the mid 90’s?)

It seems all other programs I have on my computer use the left & right mouse buttons for command entry & acceptance of choices. Why does Pro E rely on many middle mouse button clicks to accomplish tasks?

Can I reassign mouse buttons in Pro E?

Why does there seem to be a massive lack of key board shortcuts? Or, that I haven’t found them, or they aren’t very well detailed / explained. Yes, I know we can create ‘mapkeys' (macros) but I’d figure there would be some basics, and not just the common crtl-C, V, S, O, P, but some quick keys to, say, assemble, view states, planes on & off, etc..

In fact, I’m quite surprised that the enter key is seldom used, mainly relying on the user to click ‘OK’ most of the time (and mouse up to the OK button each time!)

Are there some mapkeys to download? is there a keyboard map? are there any keys that do certain things?
I hope CREO is never going to ditch the third mouse button, although it's not easy to find good mice today with a decent click wheel. CREO is probably the only 3D software I know where you can rotate the part with just the mouse avoiding gimbal lock using the thrid mouse button to "lock" the axis of rotation. This is in itself enough for me to justify having to find a mouse with a decent click wheel.
If you hover over the icon or menu item, the hotkey command will popup
Here are some:

CTRL+D Default view
CTRL+G Regenerate
CTRL+R Repaint
CTRL+A Activate window
CTRL+P Print
CTRL+F Find (Search)
CTRL+N Create new part, assembly, drawing, etc

CTRL+ALT allows for reorientation in assembly

SHIFT+ALT displays more hotkeys for the Command Ribbon. It's not very helpful in my opinion because you have to keep hitting SHIFT+ALT for every hotkey command. By the time you finish going through all the keystrokes you could have already just hit the icon and been on your way with whatever you need to do.

That's actually my feeling for all hotkeys. Being more of a visually oriented person, I prefer remembering and hitting the icons rather than a jumble of letters. I suppose its just personal preference, but, with graphical user interfaces proliferating and advancing the way they have, hotkeys will probably go the way of MS-DOS commands.
You don't have to hit OK every time with the mouse. You can acknowledge most prompts with middle mouse button. As far as shortcuts... Mapkeys are very usefull but user dependent as to what is important. Usually if you pay for an implementation program this will be part of the implementation. A significant amount of shortcuts via mapkeys. Generally this kind of thing needs to be standardized for a company so everyone is familiar with the same commands. It doesn't take much time to create a lot of these. You can even use the function keys to use for mapkeys.
Haha! thanks all..

Yeah, from the old ACAD days, I've gotten very used to keying in my commands. They were quick, much quicker IMO than hunting & clicking. Word & tech writing tasks too, much easier to ALT-key-key-key instead of scrolling & clicking (and you do occasionally miss the intended line).. One hand on the keyboard, one hand on the mouse..

No, the real hard thing for me is the middle mouse button click. As mentioned, its a wheel, and sometimes it clicks for OK, and for rotate.. Assemblies, trying to rotate a part to grab an intended face or line or.. while constraining. And it just takes the middle mouse button click as "OK" instead of rotating..
A space ball for rotating and a mouse for picking is a great way to go for heavy duty modeling. just have to grip a pen in your mouth for keyboard.
OK, tried to find a sensitivity option for my mouse. None.. Double click speed, but no sensitivity.

it's only with the middle mouse button..

