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Pro/e Sketching


New member

I have been using solidworks for about 2 years and Now I'm trying to learn Pro/E

I'm having the hardest time getting used to how you sketch in Pro/E.

In solidworks when you dimension a line, it stays that dimension no matter what. In pro/e if you dimesion something, it can change pretty easy...

So I was wondering if someone could give me any tips on how to sketch this drawing

in sketcher right click and hold on the dimension you dont want to get changed and select lock dimension.
there is also an option to make this behavior default. go to tools->options and change the variable sketcher_dimension_autolock to yes.

Edited by: solidworm
In this sketch the orange dimensions are locked the grey
dims are the intent manager automatically created dims.
If there were white dims they would be strong but still
changeable if you drag a line.

At the bottom of your drawing there are 2 parallel
lines. I am not exactly sure what that is, but you can
not finish a drawing in Pro/E and leave that upper line
Thank you soo much!!!! I was going absolutly crazy with the dimensions changing every 2 minutes.

Now Pro/e makes much more sense

About the two lines on the bottom.. yeah I know they shouldn't be there, this is just a quickdrawing I did in Solidworks (not meant to be extruded or anything)
Just a point of note around the extra 'upper' parallel
line. You can sketch it in and then convert it to a
construction line similar to a centerline (but not
extending all the way across the screen.) Pick the line
and then do RMB/ Construction.
This is a very useful technique when you want to build
construction into sketches - ie arcs and circles -
which is not possible with centerlines.

