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Pro/E vs UG & Solidedge


New member
Since the Pro/E vs Solidworks thread was getting a bit long, I thought I'd start a new topic for some interesting conversation

I've never used UG or Solidedge, does anyone know how pricing compares to Pro/E WF4 Foundation and what functionality you get?

Any other comments on the latest versions of UG and Solidedge vs Pro/E?
We just looked at SE for a project we are bidding on. If we get the project, we'll be buying a seat. The purchase price is similar to Pro|E foundation at $4K for the basic package and $5,500 for the up level one. The up level package adds stress analysis, a bunch of standard engineering parts, common machine (gears, etc) wizard and 3D rendering.

Maintenance seems a lot cheaper at $1,200 and $1,500, respectively, but I'm not sure what maintenance is on Pro|E Foundation as our seats are a higher level.
Isn't SolidEdge always going to be NX lite? I've heard good things about SolidEdge but would be interested to know the situations where Siemens say "no, SolidEdge is no good, you want NX".

Thats interesting Doug, what would justify buying a new SE seat for 1 project? (keeping in mind that you already use Pro/E)Are you hoping to get future benefits from SE?Are therefeatures in SEthatPro/E lacks, that made you consider investing in a new CAD package and learning to use it? (maybe you have used it in the past?)

Does anyone know the main difference between SolidEdge and NX?
Our business is all about what the client wants & needs, that drives everything we do.

The new client uses SE and the deliverable is SE files. One alternative we discussed with them was doing the work in Pro|E or SW and delivering IGES or STEP files, but that obviously isn't the best solution for them. The bottom line is that if we want the work, we need be willing to get SE. Obviously, we wouldn't spend $4K chasing $4K, but since the price of SE isn't a major roadblock and the project is large enough, we're willing to do it. It may open doors for other work from them and from other clients in the future as well.

It's the same reason I have WF1, WF2, WF3 & WF4 on my machine (and SW 2006, 2007 & 2008) and a library of client config files and start parts. We work in the way that works best for the client in the CAD software that works for the client.

We have a seat of NX (for the very reason I've described), but I can't speak to the differences because I haven't really used either yet.

Edited by: dgs
Understood, I had a quick look on the SE and NX website. Their big selling feature is what they call synchronous technology, which somehow uses aspects of both history based and explicit modeling techniques.

Does anyone know the difference between SolidEdge and NX?
Another thing SolidEdge and NX punts, is their strengths in reverse engineering, where the software can create accurate features from dumb geometry such as IGS. Apparently it reads things such as tangent surfaces etc and then creates editable features.
Advice needed:

I am about to spend many $ on Pro/E Foundation (cost to me is 1.4 x US price, as I'm in a different country!) I will use it in a new startup company.

I have 6 years of Pro/E experience, but still has a lot to learn, especially surfacing. I am not convinced that Pro/E is the best tool for me and I'm tempted to look at alternatives to Pro/E. For my investment, I'll consider relearning software as long as it doesnt take me too long... I understand this may have some risks...

UG community here is small, SE a bit bigger, SW and Pro/E hasbiggest community.

UG looks better than SW? UG better than Pro/E? I still haven't seen WF5 though...

Comments would be appreciated
ST is not what they "sell". Based on what I understand from the PTC
paper on this once you change approach (direct / parametric) the
"history" is more or less toast. The parametrics are washed out when
these changes in modeling approach are enforced.

The tools and functionality of ST can be directly compared to functionality that ProE has had for some time.


pro_eek said:
Understood, I had a quick look on the SE and NX website. Their big selling feature is what they call synchronous technology, which somehow uses aspects of both history based and explicit modeling techniques.

Does anyone know the difference between SolidEdge and NX?
I have used UG since UGII v3.2 in 1987 and switched to Pro/E 2000i2. We used both UG V18 and WF1/2. I switched jobs where the past 3 years I only used WF2. I have switched jobs again and am now using NX2.

Diffrences are in the user interface. NX allows more fredom in creating solids and editing them. UG Drafting is also easier. If your work involves a lot of imported curves to create surfaces, than NX is far better than WF. SE does have some nice sheet metal options that NX users have been asking to have incorporated.

