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Pro Eng Problems


New member
I am currently trying to install a student version of PRO E2001 and I am having problems. I have a network card but still it just will not run. I have happily installed it on a friends machine using the same operating system. Any suggestions?????
I think that you need to have the instalation cd in the CD-rom drive in order for the student edition to run.

If that doesn't work or you tried that already I don't know what the problem is.
Test Confirmed..........

Attn: MCAD Central

Subject: Enhancement to Web Site

Is there anyway you can add a column to the site showing the "original" post date (keep the current "last post". I think it would be helpful for members to know the "original" post date so as to not answer old questions.

This original question was from 11/12/02, when I responded to it, it popped it the the front of the line (last post).

Anyone agree w/ me?

here I have a small remarks: what OS do you use? win XP or win 2K.

I have some experience installing Proengineer 2001 because on my present job I work as design engineer but in the same tiem I am the network administrator.

So under windows XP I have experienced a strange situation: one computer was connectedin a network ProE was installed by me and worked well without any probems until the computer was disconnected from network, at that moment the network card was disabled by win XP, and because of thatProE didn't start. I spent few hours to identify the porblem and when I connectedback the computer to network all was OK .

So investigate this option.

To check the status of network card do as follow:

open a command windows from Start/run/command

in this window type the follow : ipconfig /all

do not forget the space after letter "g"

as result you will see a list with all settings and information agout your network card(see picture attached)

View attachment 893

If will will see something like disconnected or strahge things than the problems for uour ProE is the network card.

Good luck

