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Pro/ENGINEER reverse engineering

Looks good. did you anaylize how far off you are? How
many hours did you spend and how much did the scan cost? Just
Hi Bart,

I did not create all surface by restyle tool. Some I used restyle tool it should analyst the deviation between facet and surface but some I used general surface tool I can not analyst the diviation. For this model I prefered shape to geometry than freeform surface. I spend 15 hours to create this model. For scan cost I don't know I just got it by point.


Edited by: Choky
Hello Choky, looks really good. I've done some rev eng too but I just don't know whats the best method. I used facetted step stl files and regenerated the surfaces. Then I measured the distance between the surface and facet. But it was all a little bit approximated. I've never worked with restyle. The biggest problem I had was to use the facets. Making planes and curves using the scan data. When modelling a part. The surfaces are to big and cut with surfaces and curves to create the right model ( overmodelling). But with scan data this can't be used. Can you please tell me your method?

Hi Vide,
In this model when I got facets. I reviewed that some surface can revolve. So I was looking for center of revolve and created the axis then I created plane to cut the facets and use section in view manager to cut facets so I can see the edge of facets. After that I created the curve follow facets profile this method can not constrain with facets edge, just follow the facets edge only and used revolve to create the surface. Some surface can not revolve I use restyle tool to create the surface.
I know it not exactly same as the facets but in this case I like to use this method to create this model.

hi choky
Realy a nice work.
I am also learning everse engineering.
Can you please give some hint or tutorial how to start reverse engineering.

