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Pro/I 3.4; hardware recommendation


New member
Hi together,

currently the dataserver and the fileserver of Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 M070 runs on a UNIX machine.
We are planning to migrate this installation to Windows Server 2003 machine.

We'vesome 130 Pro/I users.
We've some 650.000 database objects (if family table instances are counted too it are 1.100.000 objects).

Now we're uncertain about the hardware we need to handle this amout of users and objects.

Which processor type - dualcore or quadcore?
How much RAM - will 8 GB be enough?

Has anybody of you approximately the same company size?
Which hardware have you in your Windows machine?

Rest regards, DonChunior
Why are you staying with Pro/Intralink 3.4? It is obsolete and unsupported by PTC.

You should be looking a an upgrade to Windchill 10/Intralink. There are guides on PTC's website for WC10 server configurations.

My serevr config would be:

Database server: WIN2008r2 64 bit, 2-quad-core processors, 2-300GB drives, 16GB memory, your choice of Oracle 11g2 or SQLServer 2008r2

Application server and vault: WIN2008r2 64bit, 4-quad-core processors, 6-300GB drives - 4 in a Raid array for the vaults, 64GB memory
Hi looslib,

migrations in bigger companies are always a little bit difficult.

We're still supported, because we've extended support.
The migration to PDMLink 10 is already planned in 2013, but unfortunately this does't solve the current problems.

That's why I still need recommendations for Pro/I 3.4.

Best regards, DonChunior
What I posted foran application server should be sufficent for Pro/I 3.4. Just add a large disk array for your file server portion.
I think 8GB Ram and 1-2 dual or quadro CPU are OK for
Intralink 3.4 with 130 users.

Intralink 3.4 server do not use a lot of CPU or RAM.


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