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Pro/INTRALINK 8 vs PDMLink 8


New member
From what I heard most companies seems to choose PDMLink 8 over Intralink 8 when upgrading from Intralink 3.4

One argument to go with Intralink 8 to start with must be to save the license upgrade cost for later. Especially since the migration cost is pretty high.

My question is simply: If you went from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x to PDMLink (instead of Pro/INTRALINK 8), what made youtake that route? What was the functions in PDMLink that made you choose it, or was it more of a strategic desicion for future possibilities?

How much work is it to go from Intralink 8 to PDMLink 8 later on? Is the whole migration needed or is it enough to "switch the license file"?

There is one thing that is critical to us, that is the possibility to have users spread around the globe working in the same system with the CAD files. Is there any limitation in that area between Intralink 8 and PDMLink 8?
The primary difference is the amount of control over the files that you get. Intralink is basically file vaulting with controls. PDMLink is full life-cycle controls, from initial Problem Report to released ECN.
The prices between Intralink 8 and PDMLink conversion from PTC has pretty much been identical, and the cost of the license is nothing. In the end the Sales Guys will give them to you.
To answer your question simply is if the cost is the same why chose a product that has less options turned off. This is the easiest way to put it. In our case there were certain items we wanted to customize that is just not available in Intralink 8. As well PTC will give you the PDMLink licenses to keep your business.
To go from Intralink 8 to PDMLink the answer is depends, some versions require a conversion and that means more money. Might was well take the leap the first time. In your case I believe PDMLink has slightly better replication and tuning.

Here is the real problem with either system and something to really consider, either system requires some serious hardware to run, in most installs you need two servers on the main site (the one others will replicate from), on top of that most upgrades to the software require a Tuning by PTC which usually is 2 days of consulting.
Thanks for your replies. We are in the middle of investment plans, and we'll ses what the final results will be.
PTC took out some of the functionality such as the model previewer which existed in Intralink 3X and put it into PDMLink. SO now if you want to preview your models, this is the system that you need to have. How can they just strip functionality out of a package? Has anyone else seen how little functionality Intralink 8 has compared with Intralink 3X? Frames, multiple searches (using the semi-colon). multiple promotes and revising parts (which aren't in the same family table), corrupt workspaces (far more than with Intralink 3X). Horrendous check-in / out times and the fact that it needs so much tuning. Why should an off-the-shelf software package need so much 'tuning' just to and get adequate performance out of it? And why is the hardware now such an issue with at least 2 powerful servers needed? What's Intralink 8 doing that the old Intralink 3X wasn't?
It is so they can get you for more $$$. Intralink 8.0 has less than 3.X in some regards, for the casual PDM it is overkill.
It hurts because I am a die hard PTC guy but the solution is not right for us, they quoted us over 250k for a partial solution not completely turnkey, and if I did it myself 55k. Unfortunately PDMLink and Intralink 8.0 are not admin friendly or something easily done.

So We are looking at Design Data Manager and it seems to be more cost effective for a nice PDM system, does more than Intralink 3.X, and is easier to use than Intralink 8.0 and a fraction of the cost.
I really think that PTC need to try and get back to where they were with Intralink 3X. It was a great bit of software. Intralink 8 has not been a replacement for Intralink 3X in my eyes. It is nowhere near the same performance. It needs the functionality putting back into it. slashct - you are right - it has not been the right solution for a lot of people but the majority feel they have been forced into it with the threat that Intralink 3X was going to be withdrawn. I hope someone at PTC reads these posts.

Does all this mean that most people are still on Intralink 3.X? My company is sitll on 3.3. We will probably upgrade to 3.4 because we will need to do that to use Wildfire 3. But I'm not sure how long we would stay on 3.4. But from what I can see, it doesn't seem like there's anything good to change to...
PTC has a pay me now or pay me later attitude towards PDM.

You must eventually migrate from Intralink 3.x in order to use WF4, which will be released in less than 1 year.

You must migrate to 3.4 if you want to run WF3, which has been out for over one year.

The question is: How long can you continue to run on out-of-date systems?

It's always been my understanding that Intralink 8.0 is a subset of PDMLink 8.0.
I believe it's Intralink 8.0 doing it's thing when PDMLink documents are
checked out and downloaded, updated andthen checked back in
(A.1, A.2, A.3, etc.) or when they are revised (A.3 to an automatically
checked out B.1 which is then updated and checked back in at B.2).
Hacks: You are correct, intralink is a restricted version of pdmlink.

Our concern was mainly:
-if we go for intralink (as we have the licenses already), would we loose in distributed work ability, ie working across the globe over long distances if we go for intralink instead of pdmlink.
- would we miss some other vital function that we have not foreseen

I was talking to professionals in the field (implementation consultants) and they say 2 major things differ between intralink and pdmlink, namely:
1 - workflows, you have less ability to create and manage workflows
2 - wtParts, you can not create the BOM-level of information and all functionscontained in that area.

Our decisionis to go with PDMLink. The main reason for this instead of using intralink 8 isstrategic, we will have more room to grow in the larger system.

More comments are appreciated!


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