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Pro/INTRALINK Change Status to Read only


New member
Is any Pro/INTRALINK option what I can set to Pro/INTRALINK no changing Workspace Status when is object Updating?
Edited by: ralexy
If you don't want for someone to make changes to a part while you are working on it then you need to select the part in commonspace and right_click and change status/ locked. And then you are the only person that can modify and check-in the part.

PS: Remember to unlock the part once you are done.
I don't understand very well what to you need to do but:

If you want to set some of you objects to be read_only, select them in workspace, right click and then "change_status" read_only.
You can change settings to default set read only i WSwhen you check out from cs.

Try to look at preferences - check out. Perhaps you will find whet you need here.
If you've defined authorization on folders in CS, open Preferences and click Checkout, then in Automatic Status Setting area choose Without Checkin Authorization option and set it to Read Only. If you don't have checkin authorization on folder in CS, all the checked-out parts in that folder will have the Read-Only status.


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