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pro program .... resources for ?


New member
I have a very basic understanding of pro program... but would like to gain more knowledge on the program as a whole!

To see just what its capabilities are?

Any suggestions for web sites or articles etc??

I would like to get my understanding up to a comprehensive level.

Many thanks
Unfortunately Pro/PROGRAM can be very frustrating to deal with - and use. The documentation is not good - most people learn their tricks from the school of hard knocks.

We wrote p-Program to specifically address the usability of Pro/PROGRAM. p-Program is a Graphical Pro/PROGRAM Editor, it crunches down the Pro/PROGRAM so that you can look at the logic of the program rather than the feature/component details. All logic is drag-and-drop and can be intelligently applied.

Also - you can edit MULTIPLE Pro/PROGRAMS at the same time in Assembly Mode. You can load the Assembly Pro/PROGRAM and the Skeletons, Parts and Sub-Assembly Pro/PROGRAMS and edit them interactively all together rather than one at a time.

We have put in just about everything you would need to use and apply Pro/PROGRAM properly. It is very smart and has a lot of dialogues and wizards to help with the more advanced areas like LOOKUP_INST and EXECUTE Functions. It also has a test interface so that you can batch test your Pro/PROGRAMs across a range of values.

Customers who have seen and used it have found it extremely useful...

Here are some Flash demo links:

Basic Demo:

Advanced Demo:

Batch Regen:


All product information is located at:

Hope this helps.

thanks for the links very useful...... but

can you explain exactly what the 'execute statements' are, do and how you use them.... im a little confused!!
Sure, they are used to pass parameter values in one assembly level down to the next component/sub-assembly.

