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It wouldn't matter if your Win OS, I'm on unix which does, supports Dual CPUs; Pro/E does not. This has never made any sense to me why a 3D cad systems with model anylizing tools and complex assembly capabilities would not. Dual CPU's have been around long anuff and I feel it's about time for some support around here. How about people like myself who use multipul programs at once to get the job done. I would like to split the load or share it. Hey, two is better than one.
Is it possible to tell program what processor to use (that was long ago
and I forget how that works)? I have heard that Alias WaveFront Studio,
Maya etc (one of my spheres of interests) has been in some process of
upgrading to use several processors.

Maybe sometime I was heard something similar for Ptc (especially
for Unix or Linux), but you are prove that isn
Pro/E will run just fine under windoz on dual processor machines or new dual core CPU's from Intel & AMD. It just doesn't use more than one CPU. But if you are running lots of different apps you can spread the load across the processors. I've got 16 windows open on 2 virtual desktops with a finite element solve going on right now, that is pretty typical. So the cartoon is right on, one CPU is running Pro/E & the other is just siting there twiddling it's thumbs.
dr_gallup said:
Pro/E will run just fine under windoz on dual processor machines or new dual core CPU's from Intel & AMD. It just doesn't use more than one CPU. But if you are running lots of different apps you can spread the load across the processors. I've got 16 windows open on 2 virtual desktops with a finite element solve going on right now, that is pretty typical. So the cartoon is right on, one CPU is running Pro/E & the other is just siting there twiddling it's thumbs.

Can you explain how one spreads the load around?


